Monday, April 25, 2016

Dolce & Gabbana Lemon Dress Knock-Off

You know what I've decided? Its okay to not be original. I am a self declared copy cat, and I don't even care. I am not a trained, skilled fashion designer. So sometimes when I am deciding what to make for myself or the girls, I am stumped, and I often make something mediocre. 

The other day I was at the thrift store, per usual, and was perusing the curtain panels. Then I spotted the cutest lemon fabric I've ever seen for $5. Turns out it was a table runner, but there was plenty of fabric to be had once I unpicked the stitches. (And still tons left even after I made the dress)

Because I am an unashamed copy cat, I googled "toddler lemon dress" because I wanted to make something super adorable with this fabric. I came across this dress.....

Do you see that price tag??? Do people really buy things that expensive for their children?? Its ludicrous.  But the dress is stinkin' cute, so I set out to copy it.

I used a very versatile pattern, The Geranium (the first PDF pattern I've ever bought actually....I think I have bought at least 25 since then, oops)  and modified it to achieve this look. I basically lengthened the bodice by a few inches and graded it towards to waist for a more fitted look, lowered the neckline by 1/2" and took in the faux cap sleeves by 5/8" so they wouldn't stick out so much.

Then I pleated the skirt, which was an undertaking, but by some miracle my pleats matched up to the right width of the skirt, by total chance. I love happy coincidences like that. 

After all that, here is the result! 

I am in love with how it turned out. Its just screams "SUMMER!". I need little reminders that summer may actually come to this little Wyoming town. As I write this, it is literally snowing outside, not kidding. Its depressing, but this dress makes me happy, so at least I have that :)


  1. The dress and model are adorable. I love how it blows behind her.

  2. Simply gorgeous! Prettier than the D&G one, too.

  3. This whole blog makes my heart happy! It has been a bit rainy and dreary here, too, but today I heard the morning birds singing and I had renewed hope for the spring and summer ahead. Give cute Avery a kiss from me!

  4. How can I get one of these beautiful dresses made for my daughter?
    Michael Izzolo 772-429-5384

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